• Flynnth as an Adult - art by Azala
    Flynnth as a Weyrling - art by Azala
    Flynnth as a Hatchling - art by Azala
    Flynnth's Wing Icon
  • pale gold Flynnth

  • Basic Information

    Home Isla Weyr
    Sex female
    Species Pernese
    Height 6'1"
    Length 34'8"
    Size Category sport
    Genetic Base gold
    Coloration pale gold
    Age Turns
    Communication Telepathic
    Languages all known by rider
    Reproduction sexual, eggs
    • telepathy
    • teleportation (between)
    • telekinesis
    • assisted fire-breath

    Important Dates



    Sire bronze Orineteth
    Dam gold Zyranth
    Hatched At Dark Moon Weyr
    Prefered Mate blue Soliath
    Clutches 10

    Bond Information

    Bonded to Synde

Tell her she's not the queen of the Weyr and you will never hear the end of it. She might be the (second) smallest gold dragon at Isla, but she makes up for it with everything else.


Flynnth is a small, pale gold queen Pernese dragon who hatched at Dark Moon Weyr near the end of the Tenth Pass.


As is said, looks can be deceiving and this is very true for Flynnth, who's personality makes up for whatever her size may not. She's feisty, bold, stubborn, and very confident. She is also quite brave which is usually overlooked because the other four traits are usually remembered before anyone recalls that she's one of the two queens at Isla that actually fly Thread in the fighting wings.


  • Telepathy. Flynnth can mentally communicate with other creatures.
  • Teleportation (Between). Flynnth can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes limited time travel).
  • Telekinesis. Flynnth can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis.
  • Assisted Fire-Breath. Flynnth can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone.



To say that Flynnth's adores and respects her rider would probably be more of a lie. Flynnth does not listen to her rider when she feels she is right and Synde is wrong. The number of times Flynnth sneaks off to do something her rider would object to is...well, Synde has lost count. Despite the rebellious nature of Flynnth, Synde is her rider and trusts her. They work very well together in Fall and agree that there is only one male for each of them - not that Flynnth doesn't flirt with males that are not Jesioth.


Flynnth likes J'par. He's good to her rider and Flynnth agrees that their three children are cute (her's are cuter, of course), but J'par has a good voice and she likes it when he sings.


As one of the few dragons that can deal with Flynnth, Soliath is somewhere between saint and referee. As mad as Flynnth might get when he scolds her (or simply sits on her to make his point), Flynnth enjoys the banter and knows that Soliath means well - eventually.


Flynnth does not like Phalinth, but she does not hate Phalinth either. While their coloration and names are quite similar (and Cynte spelled it differently to make sure there would be less confusion...at least when written), Phalinth is smaller than Flynnth which makes her Flynnth's rival for Smallest Queen of Isla Weyr. Flynnth's pranks are usually directed at her younger double - something that Cynte and Synde often ignore as long as no one gets hurt.


Flynnth hatched at Dark Moon Weyr - a surprise to those present as no queen egg had been expected. She Impressed Synde, the youngest daughter of the Lord Holder of Rous Hold. While she was definitely smaller than a queen, she was very clear that she was a queen and thankfully her rider had enough political background to deal with her sassy dragon's antics throughout Weyrling training.

At first, Flynnth showed no interest in male dragons until she met Soliath. Afterward, she spent most of the days leading up to her first flight by 'torturing' the poor blue into chasing her and when she did rise, she was very quick to single Soliath out and lead him on a chase to test his stamina which resulted in a decent clutch for her size. Afterward, Flynnth rarely even let other males chase her and most of her mating flights were just the two of them.

In 2808 AL, Isla was covered in a death mist and Flynnth moved to Dark Moon Weyr (later renamed to a WeyrHold) where she and Mardanith were the only queens left. While Mardanith was considered senior queen, Flynnth only relented after Synde privately told her that when they went forward to the new Pass, Mardanith was staying - Flynnth would be the only queen going. This pleased her and she shut up.

After jumping to 3005 AL, and after Isla Weyr was freed from the mist by K'man and Mixuith, Flynnth was officially senior queen. And she made sure everyone (at least on the island) knew it. When Nysheth arrived, she went as far as challenging the larger queen for the right to be senior queen - only to have Jesioth sit on her, reminding her that Nysheth was much larger than he was and she would be crushed by the other queen. Flynnth relented, mostly because Synde wanted to go back to being in the fighting wing and wanted nothing to do with being Weyrwoman.

Flynnth would later get the idea to have her own personal frenzy - of sport dragons just like herself - but kept it all a secret, even from her rider. While Synde was visiting Treval Dragonry, she snuck in to see the Academy where people learned magic. Here she met Iarion Shadowwatcher who listened to her plan with amusement before eventually delivering a scroll to Flynnth in secret. The scroll would use Flynnth's own mating urges and broadcast them to other dragons willing to participate, triggering a frenzy flight. It would also ensure that the eggs all hatched on the same day - something Flynnth knew the humans preferred when it came to events such as this. Several days later, Flynnth used the scroll to start the Sport Frenzy.

Genetic Code Translation

XGw+df[P] Xgwdf[p] Rr BB C(R)|cx(R) T|T Ee/Ee ii(kk PP) O(Ss/R)|O(Ss/R) a2|a0 UU HH m+m

purebred Pernese
Pernese translation; gold
gender is female
w+w dd
remains gold; size is sport
has a 30% chance to clutch
no color changes
carries color sets for: rare
no changes to wing coloration
does not carry color sets
coloration is unchanged
ii(kk PP)
coloration is pale
does not have speckles
carries color sets for: rare
does not have markings
does not carry color sets
does not have markings
does not carry color sets
does not have shimmer
single dragon in egg; carries possibility for multiples


bronze Orineteth
Dark Moon Weyr #7
bronze Trahernth
Dark Moon Weyr #3
bronze Tyrith
Aerion Weyr
gold Zyranth
Aerion Weyr
gold Aradiath
Dark Moon Weyr #2
bronze Tyrith
Aerion Weyr
gold Ewerth
Dark Moon Weyr #1
gold Zyranth
Aerion Weyr

Recorded Offspring

Clutch Information Male Offspring Female Offspring
  • Date Hatched: 3/13/2804
  • Mate: blue Soliath
  • Location: Isla Weyr
  • Clutch ID: ISLA-022
  • Clutch Size: 17 hatched
  • Date Hatched: unknown
  • Mate: blue Soliath
  • Location: Weyr Eriol
  • Clutch ID: N/A
  • Clutch Size: 15 hatched
None at Isla Weyr.
  • Date Hatched: 4/29/3008
  • Mate: blue Soliath
  • Location: Isla Weyr
  • Clutch ID: ISLA-045
  • Clutch Size: 5 hatched
  • Date Hatched: 7/23/3009
  • Mate: tiger-eye blue Kyulith
  • Location: Isla Weyr
  • Clutch ID: ISLA-047
  • Clutch Size: 9 hatched
  • Date Hatched: 11/6/3013
  • Mate: blue Sharith
  • Location: Isla Weyr
  • Clutch ID: ISLA-073.a
  • Clutch Size: 3 hatched
  • Date Hatched: 11/6/3013
  • Mate: white Mixuith
  • Location: Isla Weyr
  • Clutch ID: ISLA-073.b
  • Clutch Size: 6 hatched