Ishtarath is a purple Alskyrian dragon. She is currently a hatchling and thus quite small.
Basic Information | |
Sex | female |
Home | Astrael, Shaor |
Species | Alskyrian |
Height | 9' 5" |
Length | 52'4" |
Size Category | small |
Genetic Base | purple |
Coloration | purple |
Age | years |
Communication | Telepathic, projected telepathy |
Languages | all known by rider |
Reproduction | sexual, eggs |
Abilities |
Important Dates | |
Hatchday | |
Family | |
Sire | red Elivornith |
Dam | white Isilith |
Hatched At | Caer TolEras |
Bond Information | |
Bonded to | Calariel Steelfire |
Ishtarath is a young dark purple dragon who currently resides with Calariel Steelfire in Astrael, Amaras on Sentra.
Ishtarath is a purple Alskyrian dragon. She is currently a hatchling and thus quite small.
Like her bond, Ishtarath has a noble, regal bearing. She walks with a confident and graceful step and is always watching someone - or something. You never know if that leaf could attack her rider or her rider's child after all.
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