The Kytharian Realm


All of the phoenixes of Sentra are also known as the Ancient Ones, a pantheon of gods that were last active 3,000 years ago.

  • A

  • Auris, of the Seas; Aenon-Sirunil aso'Kamanar OceanFire
  • P

  • Phar, of Life and Death; Shyan-Kevahn ael'Mana Spiritwalker
  • S

  • Shar, of the Arcane; Iztala-Kevahn ki'Tainev Shadowheart
  • Suna, of Lust and Love; Ameya-Salann tya'Cypara Heartsong
  • T

  • Talor, of the Storms; Talzyan-Caeso en'Toiran Stormcaller
  • Thanar, of the Sun; Thanar-Nyrilan ly'Aarath Sunbringer
  • Telarva, of the Forests; Meiasa-Sylvin so'Terrani Wildfire