The Kytharian Realm


  • The Common Avyarven Types.
  • Avyarven

  • Type dragon
    Subtype air, earth, cold, fire
    Origin Anarendor, Ithias
    Census rare
    • LGNGCG
    • LNNCN
    • LENECE

    Basic Information

    Movement flying
    Vision darkvision, blindsense
    Diet omnivore
    Lifespan 200-500 years
    Intelligence average
    Language common, draconic, can also speak (depending on region) sylvan, elven, dwarven, gnomish, halfling
    Climate any
    Terrain mountains, forests, hills


    Maturity 5 years
    Breeding Maturity 4-5 years
    Reproduction sexual, eggs
    Clutch Size 2-8
    Gestation 3 weeks
    Incubation 4-5 months


    Bonding Rate 90-100%
    Preference humanoids
    Bonding Age hatchling to juvenile
    Bonding Type soul-linked


    Height 12-18 ft
    Size Ratio 20.22%
    Wingspan 837% of height
    Coloration red, white, black, white, blue, green, gold, bronze, silver, copper, brass
    Rare Colorations brown, gray, purple, teal, yellow, white gold (electrum), iron, platinum, quicksilver, steel
    Eye Color yellow


    Based On blue dragon; abilities vary

The eldest species of dragon known to Anarnedor are called the Avyarven (pronounced ah-vare-ven). They are said (and actually are), the first dragons and thus considered the truest species in existence. Resurrected after hundreds of years, these mighty dragons are quickly making it known that they are the rightful rulers of the dragonworld. Of course, four-hundred years has been a long time and there are some dragon species that don't believe this is the truth.

Avyarven dragons are the only dragon species that bond with a 90% rate compared to other species. It is their belief that their purpose is to teach, protect, and fight alongside humans against the dark forces stirring once again in the northern Wastelands. Other dragon species see this desire to bond, sometimes waiting hundreds of years to hatch to do so, as a weakness.


Avyarven dragons range from 12' to 18' feet to their shoulders with wingspans that are over twice their length, which average about (??) percent of their height.

Their colorations are commonly the five chromatic and five metallic colors common to the dragons of the Forgotten Realms and Golarion, with features dependent on their color. Chromatic colorations include red, blue, green, black, and white and metallic colorations include gold, bronze, copper, brass, and silver. Rare colors only hatch 1/100. Platinum is so rare there are none to have been known to hatch. Rare colors include: purple, brown, gray, teal, and yellow for chromatics, and platinum, steel, iron, quicksilver, and electrum (otherwise known as white gold) for metallics.

Dragons can live for as long as 200 years though those that bond often live as long as their bonded rider as elves have records that state they can live for 600 years. Dragons typically outlive their human riders with the expectation of the elves, who usually outlive their draconic bonds by several hundred years.


Dragons, while a bit aloft in their beliefs and knowledge of their purpose in the world, have a firm understanding of what is right and wrong. They do not harm humans (at least intentionally) that do not deserve it but are not against punishing a man who has committed a heinous crime against dragons or humans.



After a mating flight, the female will carry the eggs for about three weeks before laying them in a den or the Dragonry's caverns. Many times, there are multiple clutches hardening at once and the attending mothers (fathers often do not) will share the responsibility of making sure the eggs incubate correctly. If laid at the Dragonry, the Caverns are often kept at the perfect temperature that little interactions are needed. A clutch lain in a personal den requires the mother to use her own body heat to keep them warm. Thankfully, dragon eggs are quite hardy where the mother is able to leave the clutch if she must for hours on end.

Eggs (which are around the size of an ostrich egg) harden with time. Speckles or spots begin to appear within the first month of being laid. Over the course of the entire four month incubation period, these spots develop notable hues and colors and become more prominent until it seems the entire egg has changed color. 99% of the time, the color of the spots indicate the color of the dragon within.

While a red and gold pairing can result in other colorations, the offspring have a higher chance of sporting their parents colors. A bronze-gold pairing has a higher chance of producing metallics than chromatics. A rare occurrence is when there are secondary or tertiary colors present though this is a rare, yet breedable, trait. Coloration can range and vary, with brighter or muted hues, or darker and lighter shades occurring in each of the colors.

Avyarven are not known to breed with other species of dragons and will always choose another Avyarven mate.


Dragons grow at a rather slow rate, reaching full maturity at around 5 years.

Dragon art by: VegasMike on DeviantART


A dragon is considered a hatchling for the first three months. During this time, they develop their speech and learn to communicate with the world around them. Emotionally, they can communicate with their bond. By the time they are around a month old, most hatchlings are able to speak comparatively to that of a two or three year old human child.

They also begin to learn magic, for better or worse, and experiment with magic. By the time they are six months old, a dragon will have mastered up to three simple spells.

Child (Very Young)

After three months and up to 2 years, they are considered a child or wyrmling. By this time, they have mastered speaking with a chosen language, often their bonds, and may have mastered several languages depending on how many are spoken in the region they live. Their understanding of the world is comparable to that of a ten or twelve year old human by the time they have reached a year in age.

Young/Young Adult

A young or young adult dragon (the human equivalent to the teen years) are sometimes the rebellious years as some young dragons spend more time with other dragons (learning to be dragons) and not at the Academy where their bond is learning to wield a sword, cast spells, and take borning history lessons. They are beginning to learn to fly, cast spells, and hunt from the other dragons at the Dragonry or area. This age range lasts from 2 to 5 years.


This is the prime of a dragon's life, starting at 5 years and going from 50 to 80 (depending on the region). By five years, the dragon and rider have graduated from the Academy and joined the Dragonry of their choice, if not the one they have spent the past five years training at. Their bond is no doubt a successful mage ready to protect the world. They can fly, teleport if needed, and are formidable opponents to those that oppose them.

Young adult male dragons are vibrant, energetic, and are beginning to enter the mating flights of older females even at four years of age. Not that they often win, but they are learning and gaining the skills and stamina to finally catch a female later. Females generally rise one to two years after the males.

Mature Adult

Wiser, stronger, older - a mature dragon ranges from ages 50 or 80 up to 150 or 220 years. Most have lost their human partner near the end of this time and will become loners, teaching younger dragons what they need to protect their world.

Old to Ancient

Ancient dragons can live up to 400 to 500 years (600 in the elven Dragonry). They have long ceased rising or chasing and no longer bear clutches. Their internal magic - fire, lightning, ice, or acid - becomes apparent in their body, seeming to seep through their scales. Death never leaves a body behind as their internal magic consumes them, sending their spirits back to their gods. The only thing that remains are the dragonstones.


Dragons are capable of fighting with tooth, claw, tail, and even using their wings as a weapon. Dragons are capable of speaking out loud and know Draconic naturally. They must learn other languages from their bond or those around them. Most adult dragons know Common as well as one or more of Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish, or Halfling depending on the region they are from.

Immunity. All Avyarven have immunity to a single damage type.

Damage Reduction to Magic. All Avyarven have reduced damage against magic.

Frightful Presence. [maybe] All Avyarven can emit an aura of fear to their enemies.

Spell Resistance. All Avyarven are resistant to spells and damage from spells.

Breath Weapon. Each dragon color has their own unique breath weapon (See the Spell-like and Unique Abilities by Type section.)

Innate Spellcasting. Upon hatching, a dragon can choose a class to begin taking spells from. The dragon does not gain all the features of the class, only the spellcasting. A dragon's class (if chosen) can be that of a bard, druid, sorcerer, wizard, or warlock. Their casting stat will depend on their class chosen, as well. If a dragon does not choose a class, it is assumed they will use the sorcerer/wizard spells. Do not begin with spells but learn them as they age. By the time they are 3 months old, most hatchlings have mastered 3 cantrips. Spell progression follows the class they selected.

Avyarven have special, magical abilities that they gain as they get older. Upon hatching, they innately know three cantrips spells. As they grow, they gain magical knowledge as well as strength, which is shared with their bond. Dragons often follow the same classes as their human counterparts but a very small few choose a different path. While not all riders end up becoming DragonMages, the dragon always has magic and can share this with their bond similar to a wizard's familiar.

Teleport. When a dragon becomes a young adult (around 4 years of age), the dragon gains the innate ability to teleport as if using the spell. This ability can be used a number of timers per day depending on the caster level of the dragon.

Special Abilities: Common Colorations

Dragons retain their link to their ancestors through several abilities.

Abilities in gold are common for all Avyarven. The rest change depending on their color/type. Abilities that are in italics are spells. The rest are special abilities that have descriptions after the list.

Anything in red will probably be removed to better fit how I want them...

Chromatic Dragon Types



  • Subtype. earth
  • Breath Weapon. lightning
  • Hatchling. immunity to electricity, desert thirst
  • Child. sound imitation, ghost sound
  • Juvenile. minor image, CL 1st
  • Young Adult. teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd
  • Adult. electricity aura, ventriloquism, frightful presence, CL 5th
  • Mature Adult. DR 10/magic, CL 7th
  • Old. mirage, hallucinatory terrain, DR 15/magic, CL 11th
  • Ancient. storm breath, veil, DR 20/magic, CL 15th
  • Great Wyrm. sandstorm, mirage arcana, CL 17th

  • Subtype.
  • Breath Weapon.
  • Hatchling.
  • Child.
  • Juvenile.
  • Young Adult. teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd
  • Adult.
  • Mature Adult. DR 10/magic, CL 7th
  • Old.
  • Ancient.
  • Great Wyrm.

  • Subtype.
  • Breath Weapon.
  • Hatchling.
  • Child.
  • Juvenile.
  • Young Adult. teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd
  • Adult.
  • Mature Adult. DR 10/magic, CL 7th
  • Old.
  • Ancient.
  • Great Wyrm.


Subtype fire

Breath Weapon fire

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to fire, sleep breath

Child (Very Young/Young) speak with animals, move sand

Juvenile (Juvenile) desert wind, endure elements, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) suggestion, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) fire aura, control winds, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) sandstorm, control weather, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) summon djinni, whirlwind, CL 17th


Subtype water

Breath Weapon electricity

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to electricity, repulsion breath, water breathing

Child (Very Young/Young) speak with animals, change shape

Juvenile (Juvenile) wave mastery, create food and water, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) fog cloud, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) electricity aura, detect thoughts, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) vortex, control water, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) tidal wave, control weather, CL 17th


Subtype earth

Breath Weapon acid

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to acid, climb stone, slow breath

Child (Very Young/Young) grease, uncanny dodge

Juvenile (Juvenile) trap master, hideous laughter, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) stone shape, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) slow aura, transmute rock/mud, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) mass laughter, wall of stone, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) deadly joke, move earth, CL 17th


Subtype fire

Breath Weapon fire

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to fire, weakening breath

Child (Very Young/Young) change shape, detect evil, fast flight, detect gems

Juvenile (Juvenile) bless, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) luck, daylight, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) fire aura, geas/quest, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) sunburst, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) divine aid, foresight, CL 17th


Subtype air

Breath Weapon acid

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to acid, water breathing

Child (Very Young/Young) woodland stride, entangle

Juvenile (Juvenile) charm person, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) trackless step, suggestion, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) camouflage, plant growth, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) miasma, dominant person, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) awaken treants, command plants, CL 17th



Subtype fire

Breath Weapon fire

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to fire, ??

Child (Very Young/Young) smoke vision, detect magic

Juvenile (Juvenile) pyrotechnics, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) fire aura, suggestion, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) manipulate flames, wall of fire, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) melt stone, find the path, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) incinerate, discern location, CL 17th



Subtype cold

Breath Weapon cold

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to acid, paralyzing breath, change shape

Child (Very Young/Young) cloudwalking, detect evil

Juvenile (Juvenile) fog vision, feather fall, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) fog cloud, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) cold aura, control winds, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) reflective scales, control weather, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) true courage, reverse gravity, CL 17th


Subtype cold

Breath Weapon cold

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to cold, icewalking

Child (Very Young/Young) snow vision, ice shape

Juvenile (Juvenile) fog cloud, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) cold aura, gust of wind frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) freezing fog, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) blizzard, wall of ice, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ice tomb, control weather, CL 17th

Special Abilities: Rare Colorations


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th

Electrum (White Gold)

Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th


Subtype --

Breath Weapon --

Hatchling (Wyrmling) immunity to ??, ability

Child (Very Young/Young) ability, spell

Juvenile (Juvenile) spell, CL 1st

Young Adult (Young Adult) teleport, DR 5/magic, spell resistance, CL 3rd

Adult (Adult) ability/aura, spell, frightful presence, CL 5th

Mature Adult (Mature Adult) DR 10/magic, CL 7th

Old (Old/Very Old) ability, spell, DR 15/magic, CL 11th

Ancient (Ancient, Wyrm) ability, spell, DR 20/magic, CL 15th

Great Wyrm (Great Wyrm) ability, spell, CL 17th



Statblock Rules

Sentran Dragon Adult CR 13

XP 25,600

Aasimar cleric 1

NG Medium outsider (native)

Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5


AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor)

hp 11 (1d8+3)

Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +5

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5


Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)

Melee heavy mace –1 (1d8–1)

Ranged light crossbow +0 (1d8/19–20)

Special Attacks channel positive energy (5/day, 1d6, DC 12); rebuke death (1d4+1, 6/day); touch of good (6/day)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)


Spells Prepared (CL 1st)

1st—bless, command (DC 14), protection from evil

0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, stabilize

D domain spell; Domains Good, Healing


Str 8, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 14

Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 9

Feats Turn Undead

Skills Diplomacy +8, Heal +7, Knowledge (religion) +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception

Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic


Environment any land

Organization solitary, pair, or team (3–6)

Treasure NPC gear (scale mail, heavy mace, light crossbow with 10 bolts, other treasure)

Aasimars are humans with a signif icant amount of celestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry. Aasimars are not always good, but it is a natural tendency for them, and they gravitate to good faiths or organizations associated with celestials. Aasimar heritage can hide for generations, only to appear suddenly in the child of two apparently human parents. Most societies interpret aasimar births as good omens. Aasimars look mostly human except for some minor physical trait that reveals their unusual heritage. Typical aasimar features are hair that shines like metal, unusual eye or skin color, or even glowing golden halos.