Citadel of the Sun
Bonding Records
Clutches 1 Total Hatched 17 Sentran Clutches
Hatched 1 Total Hatched 17 by Genetics Sentran Genetic Code - rose gold: 0
- gold: 1
- bronze: 0
- silver: 0
- copper: 1
- brass: 0
- red: 1
- brown: 1
- cream: 0
- orange: 1
- yellow: 1
- teal: 1
- purple: 1
- blue: 1
- green: 2
Bonding Records
Below are riders who have Bonded at the Citadel.
Clutch 01: Clutch of the Firstborn
All dragons are first generation and unrelated to each other.
20 eggs; 17 Records
Hatched: [date]
- SDCS-001-001: rose gold Ayumath
- female; genetics: Sentran (Spirit), rose gold; bonded to Tiziana Timandrasha'Kemal
- SDCS-001-002: gold Isareth
- female; genetics: Sentran (Nature), gold; bonded to Tove
- SDCS-001-003: shadowtouched black iro'Kenshith
- male; genetics: Sentran (Dark), bronze; bonded to Alix Takeichi Kemal
- SDCS-001-004: icetouched silver kai'Iseldath
- female; genetics: Sentran (Ocean), silver; bonded to Elsha
- SDCS-001-005: copper Avanith
- male; genetics: Sentran (Nature), copper; bonded to Talanthir Emberfire
- SDCS-001-006: suntouched white kir'Liorth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Sun), red; bonded to Ashthelien Lightbringer
- SDCS-001-007: brown Neronth
- female; genetics: Sentran (Earth), brown; bonded to Nerira Stonerose
- SDCS-001-008: orange Zandreth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Sun), orange; bonded to Vaxithas Emberspark
- SDCS-001-009: yellow Liridoth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Sun), yellow; bonded to Issarel
- SDCS-001-010: teal Zalleth
- female; genetics: Sentran (Moon), teal; bonded to Keylynn
- SDCS-001-011: shadowtouched purple cir'Mahikath
- female; genetics: Sentran (Moon), purple; bonded to Tehlarissa Shadowspeaker
- SDCS-001-012: black Kereth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Dark), purple; bonded to Anamor Darkstone
- SDCS-001-013: startouched blue ara'Aylath
- female; genetics: Sentran (Dark), blue; bonded to Irhaaliel Starfire
- SDCS-001-014: blue gray Keyneth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Storm), blue; bonded to Andre Moreno
- SDCS-001-015: blue Kedarth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Sun), blue; bonded to Jassen
- SDCS-001-016: green gray Shiarth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Nature), green; bonded to Karian Stoneriver
- SDCS-001-017: green Brynth
- male; genetics: Sentran (Nature), green; bonded to Tristyn Foresthawk