The Citadel
Dragon Riders
Capacity ~ Total 28 Rider Genders - male: 19
- female: 9
- total: 28
Dragon Genders - male: 18
- female: 12
- total: 30
by Size Pernese Size Chart - huge: 2
- gold: 0
- bronze: 0
- brown: 1
- blue: 2
- green: 0
- sport: 2
by Genetics Pernese Genetic Code - gold: 2
- bronze: 2
- brown: 1
- blue: 3
- green: 4
- Flight Wings
Dragons of the Citadel
The Citadel has not yet been origanized into Wings, as a location is not even chosen for it. However, these are the riders and their dragons who are planning to remain in Amaras to begin work on building the Citadel.
These are members of the royal family. They are not part of the Citadel persey, but the future leaders of the Citadel will answer to them and be a member of the Amarasian Court.
Rank(s) | Rider | Dragon | Size | ||
Prince of AmarasRanger | Randarilmale, years | bronze Menelethmale, years | brownhuge | ||
Princess of AmarasCleric | Kylafemale, years | black Kimarithfemale, years | bluehuge |
Dragon Riders
Most of these riders have transfered from other worlds to return to their homeworld after bonding and training elsewhere.
Rank(s) | Rider | Dragon | Size | ||
Dragon RiderFighter | Verenmale, years | black Sivantithmale, years | bronzegargantuan | ||
Dragon RiderFighter | Lilinakmale, years | brown Erebrytmale, years | brownhuge | ||
Dragon RiderBard/Cleric | Ninarhiafemale, years | turquoise Kilakilytfemale, years | bluehuge | ||
Dragon RiderFire Elementalist | Tarachmale, years | Aweithfemale, years | bluehuge | ||
DragonriderSummoner | Relendmale, years | white Asphoanthmale, years | greenhuge | ||
Dragon RiderFighter | Rolbrandmale, years | red Egilthmale, years | greenhuge | ||
Dragon RiderFire Elementalist | Telaermale, years | Rrechathfemale, years | sporthuge | ||
Dragon RiderWitch | Kendrafemale, years | warm white Ishiathfemale, years | sporthuge |
The Dragon Guard
Founded by Prince Randaril and Princess Kyla, these riders have permenent residence in Amaras as protection for the city and the lands of Amaras.
Rank(s) | Rider | Dragon | Size | ||
CaptainMagus | Calarielfemale, years | purple Ishtarathfemale, years | greenhuge | ||
Second CaptainPaladin | Talanthirmale, years | copper Avanithmale, years | brownhuge |
Riders in Training
These are riders who are still training (either on Sentra or where they bonded their dragon) but will be returning to Sentra and join the effort to prepare Sentra for the Wars to come.
Rank(s) | Rider | Dragon | Size | ||
In TrainingPaladin | Ashthelienmale, years | suntouched white Liorthmale, years | brownhuge | ||
In TrainingRouge/Fighter | Rowenmale, years | copper Aminonthmale, years | bluehuge | ||
In TrainingFighter | Nerirafemale, years | brown Neronthmale, years | bluehuge | ||
In TrainingRouge/Fighter | Issarelmale, years | yellow Liridothmale, years | bluehuge | ||
In TrainingBard | Keylynnfemale, years | teal Zallethfemale, years | bluehuge | ||
In TrainingFighter | Vaxithasmale, years | orange Zandrethmale, years | bluehuge | ||
In TrainingWizard | Irhaalielfemale, years | startouched blue Aylathfemale, years | greenhuge | ||
In TrainingFighter | Jassenmale, years | blue Kedarthmale, years | greenhuge | ||
In TrainingIce Elementalist | Elshafemale, years | icetouched silver Iseldathfemale, years | greenlarge | ||
In Training | Andremale, years | Keynethmale, years | greenhuge | ||
In TrainingFighter | Tristynmale, years | green Brynthmale, years | greenlarge | ||
In Training | Maiarafemale, years | green Iasothfemale, years | sporthuge | ||
In TrainingCleric | Ellarianmale, years | pale gold Mahsathfemale, years | large | ||
storm Zrythmale, years | sporthuge | ||||
In TrainingCleric | Tovemale, years | gold Isarethfemale, years | sportlarge |
Dragon Riders of Other Countries
These are the riders who are staying for a time, or leave their dragons in Amaras to attend to duties in other countries
Rank(s) | Rider | Dragon | Size | ||
Princessof Aspholanth | Tizianafemale, years | rose gold Ayumathfemale, years | bronzehuge | ||
First Princeof Aspholanth | Alixmale, years | shadowtouched black Kenshithmale, years | bronzehuge | ||
Illusionistof Aspholanth | Anamormale, years | black Kerethmale, years | bluehuge | ||
Warlockof the Whisper | Rissafemale, years | shadowtouched purple Mahikathfemale, years | sportlarge | ||
Royal Advisorof Nemeriath | Karian, years | gray green Shiarthmale, years | sportlarge |